Quotes from Do the Math

As we continue our discussion about social change, we move to the subject of climate change. In the 350.org film, Do the Math, climate activist Bill McKibben argues that in order for change to happen, we need to “…make a little noise, be a little uncomfortable, push other people to be a little uncomfortable” (1:13). … [Read more…]

Our Questions

Here are the questions we came up with in relationship to Essay #2 (thank you, Allie!): Why do we still struggle with racism? Why aren’t women paid the same wage as men? How can we use pee pressure to create more acceptance among LGBTQ teens? Why don’t women get paid maternity leave? Why can’t stay … [Read more…]

Barclay’s Formuala

This semester we have focused on the TRIAC model for paragraphs. This structure works well for dealing with one source within a particular topic area. However, as we move toward more complicated ideas, students often want or need to look at two sources within the context of one topic. Here’s a paragraph formula you can … [Read more…]

Searching for Thesis

As we explore our questions about HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ and other stigmatized topics, you may find that you have come to some potential answers that make sense for you. But how do you write a thesis statement? The following exercise aims to help you take what you’ve discovered so far and narrow your ideas toward a … [Read more…]

TRIAC paragraphs

We’ve learned about the “Quotation Sandwich” from They Say, I Say, which works well when thinking simply about sharing a quote. Let’s build on that concept and look at a useful paragraph structure called TRIAC. T  (Topic) R (Restriction) I (Illustration) A (Analysis) C (Conclusion/connection) Please follow the link to Professor Eric Drown’s description and … [Read more…]

Active, Critical Reading

Depending on what we’re reading, the way we read changes. Flipping through a popular magazine or blog requires a different kind of attention and focus than say a novel or a textbook. It is difficult in this day and age to get a quiet space to focus on a more dense text. Many of us … [Read more…]


Welcome to English Composition! It is my hope that we will ask lots of thoughtful questions, come up with lots of creative and thoughtful answers, push ourselves to think critically about our ideas and assumptions, and always, always treat each other with the utmost respect. We are all from different places. We all have different … [Read more…]